- 6 -
- A -
adjustable cells (chromosomes)
appendix A - genetic algorithm internals and advanced topics
- B -
binary and enumerated chromosomes in GALIB
- C -
Changes from 1.0 or 1.1 to 2.0
chapter 10 - integrating genetic algorithms and neural networks
Chapter 2 - What are Genetic Algorithms
Chapter 3 - GeneHunter Excel Interface Reference
Chapter 4 - GeneHunter Tutorial for the Excel Interface
chapter 5 - GeneHunter examples in Excel
chapter 6 - programming your genetic algorithm using the DLL
Chapter 7 - Programming Combinatorial Problems with the DLL
chapter 8 - programming reference
combinatorial problems - programming
constraints (soft constraints)
continuous chromosomes - length
crossover of enumerated chromosomes
- D -
- E -
enumerated chromosomes - length
evolution and genetic algorithms
Evolution Strategy Optimization
evolutionary operator parameters
example - traveling salesman problem
examples - neural net for Bob's deli
examples - polynomial approximation
examples - portfolio optimization
Excel main dialog nonresponsive
- F -
- G -
GeneHunter in different versions of Excel
genetic algorithms and optimum search methods
- H -
- I -
- K -
- L -
length of continuous chromosomes
length of enumerated chromosomes
lower macro security level in Excel
- M -
mutation of continuous chromosomes
mutation of enumerated chromosomes
- N -
- O -
- P -
parameters of the evolutionary operators
portfolio optimization example
probabilistic versus deterministic methods
programming combinatorial programs
programming the DLL for combinatorial problems
- R -
Running GeneHunter as an Excel Add-In
- S -
Selling or Distributing Applications
- T -
tolerance and priority parameters
traveling salesman problem example
- U -
- W -