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NeuroShell DayTrader, NeuroShell Trader, Add-Ons, Webinar,
ChaosHunter, AITrilogy, NeuroShell Predictor and NeuroShell Classifier


Artificial Intelligence,
Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Software for
Trading, Predicting, Forecasting, Classification and Optimization

Join the Artificial Intelligence Revolution with Neural Network, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic

Transform your problems
into solutions

Forecasting, pattern recognition, and optimization problems are a part of your business. Tap the power of neural network and genetic algorithm artificial intelligence software techniques to transform your problems into solutions.

Easily apply artificial intelligence, neural networks and genetic algorithms yourself with low cost software, free assistance and advice from a company that has been in business since 1982 helping thousands of customers solve real problems!




 Neural Network Software and Genetic Algorithm Software Customer Logos

NeuroShell Trader ®

Build powerful market trading systems and neural network forecasts
without any coding or programming required!

Trading software for creating trading systems using technical analysis rules, neural networks or hybrids of both. Optimize and test trading systems with walkforward genetic algorithm optimization and out-of-sample data evaluation.
  • Create trading systems in MINUTES, not hours or days.
  • Identify strategies that fall apart in trading BEFORE you trade them!
  • Forecast price movements with neural networks.
  • Send trades to your brokerage with AUTOMATED trading.

Learn more about NeuroShell Trader ...
Reader's Choice Award for 'Best Artificial Intelligence Trading Software'
'Best Artificial Intelligence Software'
for the last 13 years in a row!
NeuroShell Trader - Neural Network Day Trading Software for Forex Trading, Stock Trading, Market Forecasts and Predictions

ChaosHunter ®

Generate mathematical equations that model your numeric data!

Chaos Hunter - Produce readable formulas similiar to genetic programming, regression analysis and linear regression

A software tool for science, business and market trading designed to produce readable formulas that model your numeric data. Creates more dynamic formulas than regression analysis.  Based on artificial intelligence techniques similiar to Genetic Programming.
  • Produce buy/sell signals for financial markets.
  • Predict future time series values, including market prices.
  • Model scientific data.
  • Modeling business financial or sales data.
  • Predict the outcome of sports matches.

Learn more about ChaosHunter ...

NeuroShell® Predictor

Solve prediction, forecasting
and estimation problems with ease.

NeuroShell® Classifier

Quickly solve classification
and decision making problems.

NeuroShell Classifier - Neural Network Software for forecasting and prediction
NeuroShell Classifier - Neural Network Software for classification
A neural network software product which contains state-of-the-art neural network algorithms that train extremely fast, enabling you to effectively solve prediction, forecasting and estimation problems in a minimum amount of time without going through the tedious process of tweaking neural network parameters. Designed to be extremely easy to use, this software contains our most powerful neural networks.

Learn more about NeuroShell Predictor ...
A neural network software product which excels at solving classification and decision making problems. NeuroShell Classifier can detect categories in new data based upon the categories it learned from case histories. Uses our most powerful and latest proprietary neural network and genetic classifiers with no parameters to set.

Learn more about NeuroShell Classifier ...

GeneHunter ®

Solve optimizations problems
in Excel or your own programs

NeuroShell ® Run-time Server

Fire neural networks in Excel,
your own programs and webpages

GeneHunter - Genetic Algorithm software for optimization problems
Runtime Server - Fire Neural Networks in your own programs
GeneHunter is a powerful genetic algorithm software solution for optimization problems which utilizes a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm methodology. GeneHunter includes an Excel Add-In which allows the user to run an optimization problem from Microsoft Excel, as well as a Dynamic Link Library of genetic algorithm functions callable from programming languages

Learn more about GeneHunter ...
The NeuroShell Run-Time Server allows you to fire neural networks created with the NeuroShell Predictor or NeuroShell Classifier from either a simple interface, from your own computer programs, from Excel spreadsheets or from a web page (Windows based servers only). That means you can use the neural network models with new data without using our interface.

Learn more about NeuroShell Run-Time Server ...

AI Trilogy

A money saving package of our 4 most popular neural network software and
genetic algorithm products for business and science.

AITrilogy - Neural Network Software bundle combining prediction and classification using neural networks, Genetic Algorithm Optimization and Neural Network Runtime Server
The AI Trilogy contains the NeuroShell Predictor and NeuroShell Classifier neural network software, GeneHunter genetic algorithm optimizer and the NeuroShell Runtime Server. You’ll have all the tools you need to set up an Artificial Intelligence Center utilizing state-of-the-art neural networks and genetic algorithms.
  • Solve prediction, forecasting and estimation problems with the neural networks foudn in the NeuroShell Predictor.
  • Solve classification and decision making problems with the NeuroShell Classifier neural network software.
  • Optimize problems in Excel or your own computer programs using the state-of-the-art genetic algorithm methodology found in GeneHunter.
  • Fire neural networks in Excel spreadsheets, from your own computer programs or from a web page using the NeuroShell Run-time Server.

Learn more about NeuroShell AI Trilogy ...

Which Artificial Intelligence Software is Right for Me?

Choose Software Based Upon Industry

Choose Software Based Upon Capabilities



Learn more about Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms



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Frederick, MD 21703

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