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GetChromosomePool(Population As Integer, Individual As Integer, ChromoPool As Integer, PoolArray As Single)
Purpose: This function returns the contents of a specific selection pool of a specific individual in the population. Some selection pool contents change after each new generation step and the only way to retrieve new contents is to use the GetChromosomePool function. The user has to allocate space in his/her program for the one-dimensional array PoolArray. The size of a specified chromosome pool (i.e., the number of elements in the pool) determines the dimensionality of the PoolArray.
Arguments: Population is the number of the population with which you are working. Individual is the number of the individual whose chromosome pool you want to load into an array in your program. Individual numbers start with 0. ChromoPool is the number of the chromosome pool whose contents you want to get. The selection pool number starts with 0. PoolArray is an array in your program where you want the contents of the selection pool to be stored.
Example: i = GetChromosomePool(PopNo, 5, 0, PoolArr(0))
This example retrieves the contents of the selection pool 0 of individual 5 in the population whose number is stored in PopNo. GeneHunter stores the selection pool contents in PoolArr starting from the 0 element of the array.
Related Functions: MakeChromosomePool, PutChromosomePool |